Thursday, December 18, 2008


Hanging out in the radio station with Kate, I got a call from Mike saying he arrived on campus and that I should come to Ski Round Top with him. I almost turned down the offer, knowing we'd be skiing/snowboarding in Colorado as well. Didn't want to spend money twice.

Found our way to the mountain (I'm not used to seeing snow on it, only mud and hardcore bands). Bought some rental equipment.

The ride up on my first chair lift was beautiful. Kind of intimidating, but whatever.
I had never skied. Neither had Mike (but he's good at snowboarding). I should've taken a lesson or something. I tried to teach myself by going down a black diamond slope for my first try. Wrong decision.

After trying a few tough routes, I figured out that there were easier slopes on the other side of the mountain. I made it all the way down some of the green slopes on the first try, but I don't know how to stop, so I just made myself wipe out so I wouldn't run into people at the bottom.

I feel very accomplished. Not because I am an amazing skier (I suck), but because I feel beat up and that sure beats not going at all. I would've regretted not going. I'd rather learn that I suck now so I can appreciate the beauty of the Rockies by looking at them, not dying on them.

Jake and Kate were one goal away from defeating me in table soccer today which I felt was a disgrace because no one has come within three points of me this whole year (a little ego rubbing after an embarrassing attempt at real sports).

I'm back on our floor for my last night here, studying for my last final tomorrow at 8 AM. American Government. I don't like the American Government, necessarily, and I certainly don't like to learn about it; however, this says a lot about the professor because he actually kept me interested in the curriculum and class discussion.

I cursed at Paul a lot. He does this thing where he'll ask you how you feel and then prove you wrong (just for the sake of being right) about a part of the conversation that's entirely irrelevant. Then he'll smile about it because he can never stop smiling and then I'll get really angry because he's just glorifying himself by seeming to be better than everyone (or at least me). Anyway, I shouldn't curse at him for it. He's the only one I ever really freak out on. Really, he's not doing anything wrong, it's just his ADD and all that. I shouldn't take it personal when he wants to challenge me (and how I'm always more right than him). I should just let him talk and be right and then when he's done with showing up everyone else's knowledge, I'll continue by answering the original question presented to me. So yeah, I cursed and I shouldn't have. But the bigger issue is that I will have to tolerate other people's character if I'm going to live in a vehicle with them for three weeks. I don't know how Jesus tolerated so many diverse personalities. That seems like so much pressure. Well, he didn't go skiing and tear up his entire back and left wrist (and athletic self-image). It's not like the cross hurt that much....

Tomorrow I have a final, then I'll go home, do laundry, sleep, leave to come back to campus so we can begin adventuring. I'l try to remember to post an inventory of our groceries tomorrow. All anyone needs to know for now is that we have hundreds of Chick-fil-a free meal coupons.

Next time I at a ski mountain I'll just ride the ski lifts. They're peaceful and stuff. Or at least I'll just sit and admire all of the distant town lights you can see piercing the dark abyss from the top of a mountain. Just don't ask me to ski. Well, we'll see....

Whoever left me the basket full of candy and toiletries and a hat and stuff for the trip: thank you. It says a lot because I honestly probably wouldn't do that for you, whoever you are (Matthew 6:3-4).

1 comment:

Cindi said...

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm...I think you flip out on Mom sometimes, too! LOL. Glad you didn't break your leg skiing. Someday I really will ski with you (just so I can say that I do something better than you?)...of course after a few times down, you'll be awesome and I'll be all old and achy. Mom